How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

This article will cover how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. So if you’re interested in this topic, read to the end of the article to get the valuable information.

More likes and followers are two things that everyone wants when using Instagram, especially celebrities. Instagram will notify you when someone follows you. However, you won’t get a notification when someone unfollows you.

There is no official method to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. So even if the number of followers on your user profile goes down, you will not know who has unfollowed you. So, how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram?

Let’s read on to discover!

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How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram?

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

Check Out the Followers List

The first way is to check out the Followers list to look for a user’s account.

  • Step 1: Go to your user profile by pressing the profile picture on your screen’s bottom right.
  • Step 2: Press the Followers item.
  • Step 3: Find the user’s name using a search bar or surf the list if you are unsure about their name. If they are still on this list, you can be sure they’re still following you.

Check Out the Following List of the Other User Profile

  • Step 1: Press the “Eyeglass search” icon.
  • Step 2: Find the other user’s username utilizing a Search bar. After that, tap it.
  • Step 3: Go to the user’s profile and press the Following option.
  • Step 4: Find your true name or your username using a Search bar or lướt through a list for yourself.
  • If your username is still on this list, that user is still following you.

Use the Third-Party App

Using one of the third-party applications may allow you to identify users who have unfollowed you.

However, these apps often contain ads and don’t always work. Besides, these apps can usually only tell who unfollowed you after installing them.

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

Besides that, these apps can also give you other metrics about your Instagram account, such as listing new followers or showing people you follow but don’t follow you back. 

Below, we will introduce one app for iOS devices and one for Android devices:

For iOS Devices

  • Step 1: Find and download FollowMeter. 
  • Step 2. Sign in to the Instagram app using your username. 
  • Step 3. Pick the “Unfollowers” option to see who recently unfollowed you. 

For Android Devices

  • Step 1. Find and download the Followers & Unfollowers app. 
  • Step 2: Sign in to this app with the Instagram username and password. 
  • Step 3: Press the three-line menu.
  • Step 4: Pick the “Unfollowers” option. It may show some ads.

What Should You Do When You Know Who Unfollowed You?

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

Once you know if a user has unfollowed you, it is time to decide whether you should try and get this follower back, attract new ones, or forget them.

If you attempt to get them to come back, you will have to put a bit of energy and time into liking and commenting on their posts and even following them.

For brand builders or businesses, retaining customers and followers is essential, and these third-party apps can be valuable in maintaining your social following.

FAQs for Find Out Who Unfollowed on IG

How Many Users Can You Follow on Instagram?

Instagram allows you to follow up to 7,500 users. The platform places such a limit on reducing spam. So, if you try to follow more than 7,500 people, you will get an error message.

Why Can’t I Follow Someone on Instagram?

A common cause is that you may have exceeded the maximum limit of 7,500 followers. Also, if your account is new, Instagram will limit the number of people you can follow per hour or day.

Why Did Someone Unfollow Me on Instagram?

When your Instagram account suddenly becomes stagnant for a while, your followers will start to wonder about this change in Instagram activity. You may also be posting too few posts. Then if your followers notice your inactivity, they may unfollow you.

Do People Randomly Unfollow on Instagram?

A spokesperson for Instagram confirmed they would never unfollow people on anyone’s behalf.

How Many Unfollows are Normal on Instagram?

Usually, users are allowed to follow or unfollow up to 200 daily. But if your account is new, the number may go down to 150. In addition, your following and unfollowing activity should look natural.

The Bottom Line

You’ve got three ways to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. Hopefully, this guide is helpful to you. If so, please share it. Thank you for reading!

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